How to Create Reference Page in APA Format

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Every academic work ends with a reference page, so it is vital to organize it properly. By this mean, APA format is frequently applied, counting the author’s name formatting, alphabetization, italicization, capitalization. 

APA stands for the American Psychological Association paper style, commonly used for various kinds of academic papers by writers.  

Reference Page Arrangement

The reference part should begin with the new page and no-styling title “References”. APA layout entries with double-space intervals should follow then. Left-margin-arrangement order is applied. APA reference setup exploits hanging indentation rule, which means that the second and all the following lines of each item should undergo a half-an-inch margin indentation. 

Authors’ Names APA Formatting

Authors’ names are arranged according to APA rules as well. Being presented in an inverted way, the last name is put first, with the initials to come after, while other names are separated with commas. Seven authors’ names are listed to one source only. In case, there are more, six names are enumerated, then go the ellipses and the last author’s name after them. 

Reference Page Text Formatting

Text formatting and ordering is a mandatory part of APA style and counts the subsequent principles:

  • Alphabetization – the author’s listing is presented in alphabetical order, regarding the last name of the first author, or the first word of the organization name. In case several publications of the same authorship are exploited, the chronological principle applies, beginning with the oldest work. 
  • Italicization – this principle applies only to long titles.
  • Capitalization – sentence case is applied to all works names, but journal names come in the way they are published. 


APA format paper covers APA-style citations which is vital to study to organize your paperwork properly. So, look through APA rules thoroughly and exploit APA format examples to simplify your work.

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