Things To Consider When Shipping Overseas Via Ship

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Shipping goods overseas plays a significant part in global commerce. Businesses across the globe engage in shipping their products overseas and still have plans of expanding in the nearest future. For newbies, there are lots of information to come in terms with by making sure they comply with foreign rules and regulations, to learning various means of shipping their products. The entire process can be challenging and out-right confusing mostly. However, with the right company, you can ship products with ease. Especially when you have availed the advantage to choose from several bidding companies, and even collect quotes now, it can be so much

worth your while.

When you want to ship to overseas via ship (ส่ง สินค้า ไป ต่าง ประเทศ ทาง เรือ, which is the term in Thai), several things are to be taken into consideration.

Custom Regulations

This is the first thing to put into consideration when shipping goods overseas. All products shipped must pass through customs and export agents to foreign countries (ตัวแทน ส่ง ออก สินค้า ไป ต่าง ประเทศ, which is the term in Thai). You will need to fill out the appropriate paper works which are usually two forms; one for the country from which the goods were sent and the other for the country where the products are shipped.

Shipping Fee

This consists of the shipment fee that will be charged by the shipping company and other additional taxes concerning the products. With this, you have to survey other shipping companies and their shipping rates.

The Transit Time

When making shipments, it is necessary to know the date the product will get to its destination. In international shipment, there is a great chance that your shipment will be delayed. For certain countries, the option of overnight delivery might not be available.


Decent packaging is really necessary when making shipments overseas. The goods need to be carefully packed and labelled correctly. If you have no idea how to do that properly, you will need to hire a shipment company that handles packaging well.

Restricted Items

Lots of products are restricted in some countries, so you need to consider this before sending your shipment. You will have to examine the restricted product of the country where the products are sent.


Risks of damages are greater when shipping overseas. So, it is quite safer to get your shipment insured against spoilages and accidents, especially when it is a valuable product.