Education is very important if you want to become successful. If you want to have a good career then you must have good quality education from reputable institutions. Higher education generally involves going to universities or colleges. But it is important that the University of college is a very advanced and popular one otherwise the value of educational degree decreases dramatically. And with the regular notion that dictates western universities and colleges are better and more advanced than their counterparts in third world developing countries, it has become a notion to go to those countries. But in recent times many Asian countries have made significant progress in making their educational institutions specially colleges and universities advanced and better.
What is CU-TEP examination and who can appear in it?
One of the most advanced Asian countries with good educational system is Thailand. Thailand has many top universities that have gotten place in world’s top universities list. One of the top universities in Thailand is Chulalongkorn University. It is also one of the top universities in the world. Students across the globe thus now try to get into CU in Thailand. That is why Chulalongkorn University has come up with a screening test known as CU-TEP. It is a English language proficiency test for everyone. That is to say anyone can Apply for CU-TEP exam (สมัครสอบ CU-TEP ,which is the term in Thai). This test generally tests four basic but important skills in English. They are speaking, listening, talking and writing practices. There are now two modes by which a student can take the examination. One is a center based examination and the other one is E-examination.
Get into a good and reliable coaching institute for CU-TEP exam preparation
As Chulalongkorn University is one of the top universities in the world the number of applicants is very high thus the competition is fierce as well. Thus to help the students in Thailand many coaching institutes like interpas is now offering full coverage of the syllabus along with guidance to the students at a budget friendly option. So if you are in Thailand and thinking of appearing in CU-TEP then make sure to get help from a reliable coaching institute in Thailand.