Lowell Farms: The State of the Art in Cannabis Delivery

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“Are you cool?”

These other awkward code words and phrases were once the only way California residents could find out where to get cannabis products. If you remember the Bad Old Days before legalization, you probably recall the struggles involved in having know a guy who knew a guy, or having to meet in sketchy places to do sketchy deals. Even dealers can tell you horror stories of the times that they got ripped off, robbed and/or beaten up by their own customers.  Burner phones and scribbled addresses were the communication modes of the day.

Contrast that atmosphere to today’s more enlightened era. As cannabis sales have moved into the open daylight, so have the methods of delivery been modernized and made mainstream. A professional delivery organization enables a full-service CBD and THC products provider to offer their full stock of fare safely, comfortably and efficiently. If you want a sterling example, look no further than Lowell Farms’ delivery services.

Lowell Farms has long been a provider of the finest cannabis strains and products, produced under totally organic conditions with no pesticides. Its cannabis delivery service makes its product line available to some 250 stores throughout the State of California. (Deliveries to personal addresses are also readily available.) The many online stores that sell Lowell Farms products include delivery to reasonably wide swaths of individual cities and surrounding areas, excluding public facilities such as schools and libraries.

Even if you’re in an area that cannot legally receive cannabis products, you can still ask Lowell Farms to deliver its high-quality CBD products to your doorstep. CBD products, which conform to legal requirements by containing less than 0.3 percent THC, won’t get you high — but they do offer some amazing other benefits. Many buyers swear by CBD’s ability to relieve chronic pain and inflammation, reduce stress levels, combat anxiety and depression, resists bacteria and improve skin health, among other things. Lowell Farm’s delivery service makes it easier than ever for you to choose and order the perfect product for your individual needs.

The same brighter, calmer atmosphere that pervades the world of cannabis delivery in this day and age is also reflected in its public usage. We’re long past the days when you had to smoke in secret, with wet towels wedged under the door to catch the smell. This change is reflected brilliantly by Lowell Farms new Lowell Cafe in West Hollywood. Lowell Cafe, which is in the process of making history as America’s first cannabis restaurant, adheres to local laws by offering separate areas for cannabis enjoyment and food service. Patrons will experience a lush, upscale ambience that makes ordering cannabis as simple as ordering a cocktail at a more traditional establishment. A “Tableside Flower Service” features knowledgeable “Flower Hosts” who guide patrons through their product selection. More experienced customers may want to try the stronger strains available at the cafe’s Dab Bar.

Lowell Cafe will devote the same care and effort into the quality of its food as it does to the quality of its cannabis.  A menu of all-organic items, designed and crafted by legendary chef Andrea Drummer, will accompany the cannabis experience beautifully. Diners will be impressed by the wide range of options, from white bean hummus and grilled peaches and burrata to deluxe fried chicken sandwiches. To cap it all off, Lowell Cafe plans to feature A-list musicians and other entertainers on a nightly basis. Contrast this picture to the Bad Old Days — and then throw that older picture away.