Hair type in NYC

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Midtown Barbers explain it would seem that the structure of male and female hair, as well as its composition, is absolutely identical. Then why are there male and female cosmetics for hair care? And why does men’s hair need more care?

The thing is that the condition of the hair depends on the hormones, produced in the body. In the female body, the hormone estrogen affects the long life cycle of the hair. The male hormone testosterone activates the production of hair follicles and sebaceous glands, and also affects the condition of each hair: it is thicker, stronger and tougher than in women.

The hair type in men is predominantly oily, since the sebaceous glands of the scalp work several times more intensively. This allows the hair to be protected from such external factors as high and low temperatures, as well as the sharp difference; hard and chlorinated water; excessive drought.

However, no matter how protected the hair of men from external factors is, the process of its intensive loss (baldness) is inevitable in 70% of the male population.

The scalp of women has less acidity than men, so shampoos for the latter category of people are developed with a small alkaline base so that the acid-base balance does not deviate from the norm.

In order to know how to care for men hair at home, it is necessary to observe several recommendations:

– It is worth wearing hats in the winter and summer. This will help prevent hair loss;

–  It is necessary to do a haircut once a month, even if not a full one, but a simple trimming of the ends. This procedure will improve the density of hair;

– Long-haired men are not recommended to make a tight tail, in fact, like women. This hairstyle spoils the hair structure.

– Men need to have their own comb, which other family members will not use.

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